Tuesday 17 September 2019

Converting AngularJS $q to JavaScript Promise

Since I had to upgrade my app from AngularJS to Angular, I would also need to change my promise returned codes. I needed to change all of my codes that were using $q AngularJS service to the new JavaScript Promise.
These codes:
getItems = function () {
  var deferred = $q.defer();

  try {
   . . .
  catch(error) {
   . . .
  return deferred.promise;
are converted into:
getItems() {
 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
   try {
    . . .
   catch(error) {
    . . .
The consuming function can remain the same:
 .then((items) => {
  // success
  . . .
 .catch(error => {
  // error
  . . .

The new JavaScript Promise also allowed the promises returned to be chained:
getItems() {
 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
   .then((rs) => {
    . . .
    return Promise.resolve(123); 
   .then((rs) => {
    . . .
    return 456;   // this returns a promise as well
   .then((rs) => { 
    . . .
   .catch(error => reject(error));

Promise - TypeScript Deep Dive

Wednesday 4 September 2019

Easy Way to Highlight Invalid Fields in Submitted Angular Form

Here is one way to highlight invalid input fields after submitting a form in Angular (Template Driven Form approach) to help user quickly seeing the invalid input fields.

First we create a variable to indicate whether the form has been submitted or not:
export class PropertyPage {
    isSubmitted: boolean;

    constructor() {
        this.isSubmitted = false;
        . . .
    addPropertyDetails(form: NgForm) {
        this.isSubmitted = true;
        . . .
        if (form.valid) {
            . . .

Then use this variable to assign a CSS class to the form using ngClass:
<form #propertyDetailsForm="ngForm" (ngSubmit)="addPropertyDetails(propertyDetailsForm)" [ngClass]="{'submitted': isSubmitted}">
    . . .

Finally, add the style in the page stylesheet. By default, invalid input field will be assigned ng-invalid class by Angular.
.submitted input.ng-invalid {
    border: 1px solid #f00;