Monday, 10 October 2011

Dependency Injection for Filters with Ninject in MVC3 - Using Filter Attribute

Tools used when writing this article: MvcScaffolding ver 1.0.0, Ninject ver and Ninject.MVC3 ver

This post will describe the second way to implement dependency injection for filters in MVC3.

For the preferred way to implement filter on actions or controllers using 'BindFilter' method, please see my previous post.

In this post, we will see that we can also implement dependency injection with Filter Attributes. The steps to do this are almost similar to the steps to implement using the 'BindFilter' method (described on my previous post referred above). Except now a new attribute class that derived from 'FilterAttribute' needs to be created. Then we need to modify our filter binding in the 'RegisterServices' method to use extension methods such as 'WhenActionHas', 'WhenControllerHas' or 'WhenActionMethodHas' to refer to the attribute class. After that, the filter can be applied to a specific action or controller by putting '[filterattribute]' notation. We'll see this in more details below.

Based on our previous example, we need to add an attribute class that derived from 'FilterAttribute' base class. Nothing change on the main filter class (ie. GreetingFilter class). Below is the code for the attribute class:
public class GreetingFilterAttribute : FilterAttribute { }
Note that it is just an empty class without implementation.

Next, in our 'RegisterServices' method, we need to bind the filter attribute using extension methods such as 'WhenActionHas', 'WhenControllerHas' or 'WhenActionMethodHas'. For example:
kernel.BindFilter<GreetingFilter>(FilterScope.Action, 0)
The main difference in implementing DI this way compared to the first way that is described on my previous post is that inside this 'RegisterServices' method, we just need to tell the kernel to look for a filter attribute. The details of the location(s) where the filter applies is specified using '[filterattribute]' notation (on some controllers or actions). While on the first way, the specific location(s) where the filter applies is specified in the binding as well.

Then lastly, we put '[GreetingFilter]' notation on particular action(s) or controller(s) where we want the filter to apply.

Below are the complete codes:

Service interface and its implementation class:
public interface IGreetingService
    string GetGreeting();

public class GreetingServiceImplTwo : IGreetingService
    public string GetGreeting()
        return "Greeting - Using Filter Attribute";

GreetingFilter and it's attribute class:
public class GreetingFilter : IActionFilter
    private readonly IGreetingService _service;

    public GreetingFilter(IGreetingService greetingService)
        this._service = greetingService;

    public void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
        //at the moment this is empty because we don't need this method

    public void OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext filterContext)
        ViewResult result = filterContext.Result as ViewResult;
        if (result != null)
            result.ViewData["Greeting"] += _service.GetGreeting();

public class GreetingFilterAttribute : FilterAttribute { }

'RegisterServices' method on 'NinjectMVC3.cs':
private static void RegisterServices(IKernel kernel)
    . . .
    //bind the service interface with an implementation class

    //bind the filter attribute
    kernel.BindFilter<GreetingFilter>(FilterScope.Action, 0)
    . . .

public ActionResult Create()
    . . .
To test, render 'ViewData["Greeting"]' somewhere on the view or shared view.

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