Monday 18 May 2015

Using When, All, Then and Reject functions of $q Service

We will see how to use when, all, then and reject functions of the AngularJS $q service. To learn the basic usage of $q, please see my previous post.

$q.when() can be used to wrap an object or function if we are not sure whether it returns a promise or not. If we wrap a value object or a value returned function, the value will be passed as a result argument to the next function. When we wrap a function, the when() method will ensure that the function is executed first before going to the next one.

Below are some code examples:
$q.when('aaa').then(function(result) {

var vm = this;
vm.chars = '';

 vm.chars = vm.chars + 'END'

_test = function() {
 for (i = 0; i <= 10000; i++) {
   vm.chars = vm.chars + '.'

$q.all() is used to combine promise returned functions and only continue to progress further after all of the functions complete successfully. If one of the functions fails, immediately as soon as $q.all() gets a rejected promise from one of the functions, it will end the execution and pass forward to an error callback if there is any.
vm.numbers = '';    
_promiseFunction = function(x) {
 var deferred = $q.defer();

 if (x > 0) {
   deferred.resolve(x * 100);
 } else {
   deferred.reject(x + " is smaller than 0")

 return deferred.promise;
var first = _promiseFunction(1);
var second = _promiseFunction(5);
var third = _promiseFunction(10);
var four = _promiseFunction(-1);
var five = _promiseFunction(-10)

$q.all([first, second, third /*, four, five*/]).
  for(i=0; i < results.length; i++) {
    vm.numbers = vm.numbers + ' ' + results[i];
  // if there is any error in the sequence, the success callback will not be called

$q.then() is useful for executing asynchronous functions (or blocks of codes) sequentially in a chain. If the function inside a then() does not return a promise, it will be wrapped as a resolved promise. Otherwise the resolved or rejected promise will be passed forward.

 function() { alert('aaa')}
 function() { alert('bbb');}
 function() {alert('ccc');}

 function() { return $q.reject('failed')}
 function(){ alert('result success')},
 function(){ alert('result fail')}

Note also that if we return a non-promise value in the error callback inside then(), this will be treated as a resolved promise. So we need to be careful when handling error if our intention is to pass the error forward to the next function.
 // success
 function() {},
 // error
 function(error) {
   return 'i got the error'
 function() {
 // error
 function() {

Last thing, we have $q.reject() that is useful as a quick way to create then send a rejected promise (with a value optionally) to the next function in a chain. For example, in a chain of multiple then(). We can see this in the last two examples.

See the examples in Plunker.

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